Saturday 30 June 2012

new book ,

hello every one ,
so the bf decided it was time to get a new pet after the loss of his cat .so befor christmas last year he found a couple who where due to have a litter of siberian husky pups and he was sold .he was invited to go met the mum and dad of the pups and the place they would be rased for the start of their lives . he was sold his diposite payed and his heart set.

so from that moment i knew i wanted to keep a scrapbook of blades life . one thing that came to light after he lost his cat was the lack of photo's and things that he didnt have to rember oscar by . and i didnt want that for him with blade and besides scrapbooking was what kicked off my creative life and now i have good reason to start. 

so a quick trip over to and i bought one of the new scrapbooks she was selling by we are memorie keepers these are fab books . they have a range of pockets and are three ring bound books so moving your pages are so easy. plus you can keep all the photos you dont use in the book all together . see,

 these are the photos in which my bf took when he was invited back after the pups where born to pick his dog and what a litter im sure youll agree . what i like most is you can decorate the pockets with little scrap trading card spaces like i have here with his date of birth.
 or simply add a journaling block or two so you never forget those feelings you had when you saw the litter.
i just wanted to add this pic of further on in his book so that you can see how he has grown alittle . and im sorry for the glare i couldnt get a better pick but what a wolf he is . of course these books also hold the traditional 12"x12" inch pages and i have a few to share later on in time.
hugs vikki

Friday 29 June 2012

yoyo doll ,

hello every one ,
so i went surfing the net and all those wounderful blogs , omg so dangerous but hey too late. and i came across these things called yo yo (also known as suffoke puffs ive done my reasurch ;) ) and well after looking at all the stunning crations i wanted my very own yo yo doll so i set upon making her body useing a charm pack and well she came together rather quickly and for at least 6 months i had this ,

 then i hit a hole . now what ? now how do i give her some personality? give her life ? i could make a face but my sewing skills are so not up to that . i could make a clay one again my skills are not up to that either . as time went on this was put to the back of the cuboard (pin still in which i totally forgot about and badly found out later ) until a month ago when i was looking threw my WIP'S (work in progress) projects and found her and in a second it came to me EBAY lol . so one my merry search and i found this .
perfect and i got two heads and two sets of hands (ones alittle bigger then the other) for £3 bargin . i finish one project and i can start another fantastic. so all she needs now is alittle tlc maybe a lace collar. her hands putting on and ill have made my first yo yo doll go me
ill post pictures later of her all done .
hugs vikki

Thursday 28 June 2012

pillows up

hello every one,
so my parents went away and left me and my younger sister home. so i thought it was a great time to make those pillows i promised my mum for the sofa. we picked the green layer cake from bunny hill designs called oo la la. and yes once again im new to all this so these are the basci four square 3/4 inch seem square pillows .

 pritty huh. we used two old bean bags to stuff these pillows . we reused the original inner cusions and just stuffed them alittle more. not complicated but ye they look good and feel great to sit on.
i sewed five in total. now here is my snag . how do i put the zips in? any ideas ?
hugs vikki xxx

Wednesday 27 June 2012

bruised bannans ?

hello everyone ,

check out what we do with our bruised bannans , mmmmmmmmm

okay so this recipie is for a bannan loaf . however when we make them we just divide the mixture into muffin cases . so the choice is yours . lets get baking 
you will need,
225g self raising flower
1/2 tsp salt
125g buter
150g caster sugar
2 free range eggs , lightly beaten
170g shelled walnuts broken into peaces
170g sultananas
450g bannanas, the ripest ones you can find,

the method,
preheat the oven to 180c/ gas 4, grease a 900g loaf tin sprinkle the inside with flower , or place muffin cases into a baking tray i find this makes 12,

tip the flour into a large mixing bowl, add the salt and mix together. cut the butter into cubes and rub it into the flour with your fingers until the mixture has a crumble like texture. add the caster sugar and eggs and mix thoroughly, then stir in the walnuts and sultananas. mash the bannana in a separate bowl and when they are really sludgified, fold them into te mixture.

spoon the mixture into the prepared loaf tin (or your muffin tins) and bake for about an hour. ovens vary, of course, so keep an eye on your bannana bread - if it looks black and crunchy you have done a king albert and burnt it. a quick test for doneness is to insert a metal skewer and if it comes out clean the cake is cooked. leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then turn it out onto a wire rack. serve with ice cream- yum yum- or leave it to cool and enjoy with a cup of tea.

these are delicious and so eay to make a cook i am not trust me lol.we make the muffins because we can then take them in lunch boxes and such. we also sub some of the fruits and nuts as long as its the same weight as the receipies called for then you can have anything you want. 
enjoy xx