Wednesday 11 July 2012

other talents in our house

howdy ,
there is many many talents in our house . my younger sister is very good with words . she write short stories and poetry so well and quick too. when i asked her for a poem to add to blades book. something for alittle diffrent for a new page so she put her thinking cap on and came up with this which she titled "to our new friend" which i then put on a page for his book.

this is how it reads ,
fluffy ears, tiny tails,
cutest face, but oh so frail
our love for you shal never end,
for you, our eternal friend.

wet puppy dog noses,
and beauty like roses,
loyalty so true,

and a furture we coloud never see with out you.
but now you're growing up, and shall ni longer be a pup
and even thought you'll be older,
our love will never falter

i look forward to the furture, blade.
i know with you we'll never be affraid,
we'll always be here to watch you grow,
better owners you will never know.

sweet huh and only took her like 10 mins
hugs vikki

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