Wednesday 11 July 2012

other talents in our house

howdy ,
there is many many talents in our house . my younger sister is very good with words . she write short stories and poetry so well and quick too. when i asked her for a poem to add to blades book. something for alittle diffrent for a new page so she put her thinking cap on and came up with this which she titled "to our new friend" which i then put on a page for his book.

this is how it reads ,
fluffy ears, tiny tails,
cutest face, but oh so frail
our love for you shal never end,
for you, our eternal friend.

wet puppy dog noses,
and beauty like roses,
loyalty so true,

and a furture we coloud never see with out you.
but now you're growing up, and shall ni longer be a pup
and even thought you'll be older,
our love will never falter

i look forward to the furture, blade.
i know with you we'll never be affraid,
we'll always be here to watch you grow,
better owners you will never know.

sweet huh and only took her like 10 mins
hugs vikki

Tuesday 10 July 2012


hello every one,
this is not another pet post , wel kinda but of a diffrent sort. meet pinky and perky (sisters choice after all they are her's)  these two are sock pigs. each made from two socks . i used the fluffy kind that comes out at xmas . to make both i used two pairs of socks . the idea of these cratures is that you use the odd socks that you get left with after a wash ? (the mystey of the missing socks will never surprise me or ever be solved in our house).
 with pink and purple i only added six buttons and two dummies  and two teddy eyes all of which i had in my stash some where .
 aren't these guys cute?
soft cuddly and so easy to make .
hugs vikki xxx

Sunday 8 July 2012

something diffrent.

hello every one,
im  awear my blog has become alittle one sided so pillows and scrapbook . so i have added this my dor hangers. i went to our local craft show last month called stamp magic held right here in doncaster . altho i will admit i was alittle disapointed at the fact most of the exsamples and stalls where the same as last year . there was one knew stall called the MDF man.

from this sall i bought a couple of things . a money box , a large book box and these two door hangers. kaisercraft is know for its beyond the page projects and these where a great purchase at the show and since id been intorduced to the mdf things by kaisercraft i wasnt scared to try these out so here i was two door hangs.

my sister wanted one so i started with her's painting both door hangers with two layers of kaisercraft paint in eggshell. there paint is great for mdf it only takes two coats three max depending on the colours and mdf .  then i stamped it with a script stamp i had in my stash.
 adding a couple of pink roses black filler flowers and some die cut leafs. i used prima pad i had which show cases a water colour like print on the paper .
 and i got the bling letters from colouring in the center stones of the letters with my pro markers . i also used a scrap fx chipboard word from chrissies web site colouring it in with my pro markers then useing my stickels to add some glittler .

then since i had two i wanted one . same idea just diffrent colours . for myself i went green red brown. and i used the word treasuers on my own. with my own anitial v . only this time i coloured the smaller outer rinstones with my pro markers.

yep love them . why not try your own the kiasercraft website has there very own door hangers .
vikki xxx

Friday 6 July 2012

blades book begins.

hello every one. 
i have started blades book. well to be fair i started his book a while back but im sharing it now. while i was on the way of his book i wanted to try and keep it consistant with the same paper line threw out( i have since thrown this idea out the indow and started using all sorts but ill share that later) so on my look out i came across basic greys black dress collection and thought it perfect for his book as his main colouring is black white and grey.  once id ordered the 12"x12" pad and a few little bites i went onto ebay see if i could find some embelishments that matched this collection alittle cheaper.

 altho i never found the emblishments i came across an acution that was for a pre made four page basic grey black dress collection paper pack. this was great . the pack shows you how to make four stunning pages. one double lay out (featured here ) and two single pages full instructions and with embelishments laft over . plus it was the collection i was useing ( they have done this with other collections)

 so i went on my way when they arrived to start blades book in this way. ive not done much scrapbooking and for me this was a great way to take out the danting fact of how to a, start his book and b, how to lay out my pages all i had to do was add the pictures .
  i did add the bling to this page as well from my stash of papers and such. but i love how this show cases blades mum and dad . and how i can record where he came from . his mum featured here is a pure bread siberian husky. she is long haired and quite small .
and here his dad short haired again pure bread siberian husky. both with his feature black and white and grey marking but they are stunning.
hope you like these and looking forward to some more of his book.
hugs vikki xxx

Wednesday 4 July 2012

pillow fetish part one

hello every one,
right practice makes perfect right? so working on this theory i have combined two things i have had a stab at befor (sewing and patch work) to make a third things i have done befor a pillow. ive called this a fetish because well ive been making a few pillows which i will share with you . but this time round i didnt want to  draw a design. so i used one of the prima stamps that i have . printed it onto a cream layer cake bella solid and got to sewing . this time round i used red and aqua blue . and of course i didnt think of my hole project i just went with it. 
 sew once i had sewen the hole design and yes it was done with only useing back stich as its the only one i know. once id done this i hit a wall . what fabric do i use to make my pillow?
 and wow be tide surfing the blog world and i come across ruby . the perfect mix of red aqua and greens to make my pillow . so hello ebay and away i went ordered myself a charm pack and here is comes to my pillow .
so two things yes my lines are off on here i know that . two my sewing got cut off alittle on the front. no this pillow is not perfect . however it is mine it is what i ave made and for this reason i love it just for me.
hugs vikki xxx

Tuesday 3 July 2012

layout stand,

hello every one,
so i introduced you to my new scrapbook on going project of blades book . and since i now have my blog and want to share with you my projects . i thought it about time to make and decorate my kaisercraft lyout stands which i have had for a long while now. so i got them out and then spent about 10 mins just looking at them. then putting these into goolge i didnt come up with many more ideas. i knew i wanted something simple but that loked good to sit on the shelf when not in use. so i decided to paint these black . keep clean .
 then i sat there again until i knew i had some bird cages which once again i ordered way befor with the intention of some project which i never got around to making so these where just sat there . yes i have had it pointed out to me im a percrasinater. i mean i find all these projects i love and want to make  and then never get around to it because i find more projects that i want to make and so the list goes on. and with in this time i have bought so much stuff to make one project that gets pushed to the back burner. well no more hence the reason ive made these .
 painting the cages white so they really pop from the black stands and adding some red roses. classic simple and another colour combonation of red white and black that i love together.  adding a few rinestones to add alittle bling and here they are.
i love these roses and how you can curl the stems . im not sure but i think maybe i should have added leaves but hey i dunno. well best go use these to show you some layouts
hugs vikki xxx

Sunday 1 July 2012

hoop hoop sew

hello every one,
tis a nice day here . so doing the dangerous thing of surfing the net and all the ideas out there and i noticed that sewing in hoops seems to be a new way of displaying peoples projects so me and my ideas and i come up with ." i can do that " and so i got into thinking what do i want to sew? well i dunno then i got flicking threw some of my books and got it . monster's yes i got to doodling and well came up with these two.

 my crusome twosome lol. yes my sewing skills were not great and yes i know im a newbie im learning so here they are.
 meet burt lol ( i just thought f the name as i type this so im sorry lol) my horny big eared burt. ive always loved red and cream as a colour combo so this is what inspired me to go with this colour combo.
and here is daisy dead girl. lol (again on the spot naming i know tis awful) but hey ho here we go my two first hand sewing hoop displayed creations .
hugs vikki xxx

Saturday 30 June 2012

new book ,

hello every one ,
so the bf decided it was time to get a new pet after the loss of his cat .so befor christmas last year he found a couple who where due to have a litter of siberian husky pups and he was sold .he was invited to go met the mum and dad of the pups and the place they would be rased for the start of their lives . he was sold his diposite payed and his heart set.

so from that moment i knew i wanted to keep a scrapbook of blades life . one thing that came to light after he lost his cat was the lack of photo's and things that he didnt have to rember oscar by . and i didnt want that for him with blade and besides scrapbooking was what kicked off my creative life and now i have good reason to start. 

so a quick trip over to and i bought one of the new scrapbooks she was selling by we are memorie keepers these are fab books . they have a range of pockets and are three ring bound books so moving your pages are so easy. plus you can keep all the photos you dont use in the book all together . see,

 these are the photos in which my bf took when he was invited back after the pups where born to pick his dog and what a litter im sure youll agree . what i like most is you can decorate the pockets with little scrap trading card spaces like i have here with his date of birth.
 or simply add a journaling block or two so you never forget those feelings you had when you saw the litter.
i just wanted to add this pic of further on in his book so that you can see how he has grown alittle . and im sorry for the glare i couldnt get a better pick but what a wolf he is . of course these books also hold the traditional 12"x12" inch pages and i have a few to share later on in time.
hugs vikki

Friday 29 June 2012

yoyo doll ,

hello every one ,
so i went surfing the net and all those wounderful blogs , omg so dangerous but hey too late. and i came across these things called yo yo (also known as suffoke puffs ive done my reasurch ;) ) and well after looking at all the stunning crations i wanted my very own yo yo doll so i set upon making her body useing a charm pack and well she came together rather quickly and for at least 6 months i had this ,

 then i hit a hole . now what ? now how do i give her some personality? give her life ? i could make a face but my sewing skills are so not up to that . i could make a clay one again my skills are not up to that either . as time went on this was put to the back of the cuboard (pin still in which i totally forgot about and badly found out later ) until a month ago when i was looking threw my WIP'S (work in progress) projects and found her and in a second it came to me EBAY lol . so one my merry search and i found this .
perfect and i got two heads and two sets of hands (ones alittle bigger then the other) for £3 bargin . i finish one project and i can start another fantastic. so all she needs now is alittle tlc maybe a lace collar. her hands putting on and ill have made my first yo yo doll go me
ill post pictures later of her all done .
hugs vikki

Thursday 28 June 2012

pillows up

hello every one,
so my parents went away and left me and my younger sister home. so i thought it was a great time to make those pillows i promised my mum for the sofa. we picked the green layer cake from bunny hill designs called oo la la. and yes once again im new to all this so these are the basci four square 3/4 inch seem square pillows .

 pritty huh. we used two old bean bags to stuff these pillows . we reused the original inner cusions and just stuffed them alittle more. not complicated but ye they look good and feel great to sit on.
i sewed five in total. now here is my snag . how do i put the zips in? any ideas ?
hugs vikki xxx

Wednesday 27 June 2012

bruised bannans ?

hello everyone ,

check out what we do with our bruised bannans , mmmmmmmmm

okay so this recipie is for a bannan loaf . however when we make them we just divide the mixture into muffin cases . so the choice is yours . lets get baking 
you will need,
225g self raising flower
1/2 tsp salt
125g buter
150g caster sugar
2 free range eggs , lightly beaten
170g shelled walnuts broken into peaces
170g sultananas
450g bannanas, the ripest ones you can find,

the method,
preheat the oven to 180c/ gas 4, grease a 900g loaf tin sprinkle the inside with flower , or place muffin cases into a baking tray i find this makes 12,

tip the flour into a large mixing bowl, add the salt and mix together. cut the butter into cubes and rub it into the flour with your fingers until the mixture has a crumble like texture. add the caster sugar and eggs and mix thoroughly, then stir in the walnuts and sultananas. mash the bannana in a separate bowl and when they are really sludgified, fold them into te mixture.

spoon the mixture into the prepared loaf tin (or your muffin tins) and bake for about an hour. ovens vary, of course, so keep an eye on your bannana bread - if it looks black and crunchy you have done a king albert and burnt it. a quick test for doneness is to insert a metal skewer and if it comes out clean the cake is cooked. leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes, then turn it out onto a wire rack. serve with ice cream- yum yum- or leave it to cool and enjoy with a cup of tea.

these are delicious and so eay to make a cook i am not trust me lol.we make the muffins because we can then take them in lunch boxes and such. we also sub some of the fruits and nuts as long as its the same weight as the receipies called for then you can have anything you want. 
enjoy xx

Thursday 31 May 2012

old to new friends

so i did a post last month on old friends which leave large paws in our lives when they leave , during that little post i show cased oscar my boyfriends beloved feline mini tiger friend who he sadly lost last summer .  from this the hole in there house was huge, every corner you walked around you expected him to be there . or you would expect him to be at the top of the stairs ready to try and trip you up .

but like i said from old friends departing comes new loves to hold. and from oscar came blade meet my boyfriends choice from a littler of 8 siberian husky pups.  he went in with an open mind not knowing if he wanted a boy or girl  all he knew is he wanted a pup that spoke to him to share his life with and they had to have blue eyes ,
 and here he is  4 weeks old not so much named then but is now Blade , and what a choice he was  hes our bundle of joy. and i knew from this because im here from the start i wanted to make a scrapbook of this pup and his life with my boyfriend so he had something to look back on because they grow so quick.
 so from fabric to paper another passion which i started kinda half half then found a stunning lady over at . chrissy is stunning she is amazing . kind gengerous and an all around it was her website and passion for the kaisercraft products which sparked the need to scrap this journey.
 so this is the small bundle of roses i placed in the corner of the photo for interes and alittle dimention to the page . i used a cheap dog collar to strip the page across the bottom.
and over on chrissy web site she has these pre cut scrap words  so all i did was add alittle glitzs and the phrase was perfect. ill have some more recent picks to prove how quick they grow and alittle more about those blue eyes my boyfriend wanted.
hugs from the uk
vikki vixen xx

Wednesday 30 May 2012

one step to far lol

okay ladies gents , ive gone one step to far and its all ebays fault i promise , i mean it , ebay and paypal for making shopping so easy . i really had to pull myself back on this one . i went fabric looking something that i like that shouts to me so here is what i found .

this first lot was a steal from a store closeing down sale , they didnt list the name and the ebayer has closed there account so i cannt post where i got this or what its called but i liked the pale colours and the patterns . i dont do girly but this just shouted to me maybe it was the price?? i dunno but its pritty.
these i loved because of the muted colours the old fashiony look and the patch work with out actually sewing the squares together . im a newbie cut me alittle slack ill learn lol .
 so this is a cotton fabric with just news paper print every where love it , maybe ill make my sis a pillow with this she loves to write , ooooo the crative juices are flowing.
 the red pack on the side unfold to these five prints , ive been seeing alot of something called "red work" latly and love the designs . i can draw  i cannt hand sew but i can draw so ill see where that goes.
 then under the newspaper print is these two muted peaces , they each have five prints on them but they are all one peace longer then they are wider but i loved the muted red and brown . and the script on these are stunning .
so my big mistake , i bought with no idea what to make but ill come up with something im sure . any ideas??
hungs from the uk
vikki vixen xx

Sunday 27 May 2012

birthday girl,

the hole point of having a blog is to share my life and today is my younger sisters 17th birthday and here i get to share a double wammy my younger sis and her birthday, and then the dress we altered for her prom last year , we bought the dress on the cheaper end but added alittle her to it made it hers. so here is my sis and mum befor she went off on her prom.
 her she is with her friend who came around to do her make up (yes i am not girly and no i dont wear makeup myself) ooo just alittle hint but the necklace she is wearing i made that :D go me . like i said befor we added the lace to the dress and hand stichted it on .
 and then took it all the way down the back of the dress . it looked alittle simple so we went looking for roses and to match this colur was not easy. but it just so happened my luck was in and bo bunny the scrapbooking firm started bringing out fabric flowers for scrapbooking and they matched . what are the odds  so in design perspective odd numbers and five was it three wasnt enough .
im well pleased , she had a great night . no one els had her dress all winners.


hugs from the uk
vikki vixen xx

Saturday 26 May 2012

found passions,

so im a web surfer , and to be more persific im a blog hopper , i found some lovely ladies  over at with her lovly colour choices and if you email her she is the most kind person youll ever meet, plus there is a hole list of other stunning works that inspire here to start your blog hopping. from that list you will find i love her patterns and the small insight to the pets over a bunny hill . 

from these and so many more i found my pasion for fabric and sewing . and the amount of things i wanna try is un real . so where to start? well i learned that fabric no longer just comes in meter form but in jely rolls charm packs and layer cakes . yay for me as a newbie no measureing no guess work just sew ,  can i sew a straight line no not really but im gonna try . so with this where do i start ? 

ive always wanted a raindbow quilt i challnge any one to look at a rainbow and not smile or feel all warm inside. so from there which to pick well i went with this a jelly roll .

 ooooooooo rainbow .
right so im gonna take this bad boy and see what happends
hugs from the uk
vikki vixen xx

Thursday 24 May 2012

For the love of the past,

hello every one, i wanted to start my blog with shareing alittle of my past and the pets that make a paw mark on our lives that we never forget (my blog will not be pets pets pets but these are dear to me ) sadly all the pets featured hear are in a better place but that doesnt stop me thinking of them each and every day .

this is chester my first ever piggy and wht a piggy he was this guy grew so we called him chezzy chunka and chunka he was . just like the large hole he left in my heart when he left.
 following my first piggy comes my first bunny and it is thanks to smokey that i found a new love for bunnies . never having anything as big as him befor he was a character and a half. and boy did this guy coast me when he invited himself into the house and to chew phone wires . oooo and this guy had a passion for handbags weird bunny boy . but i loved him none the less .
 this little guy was jasper our long haird piggy  loving and snuggly with a little nip if you did something he didnt like . however if you give him celery well he's all yours . putty in your hands lol
 And finaly but not least is this mini tiger , who i have to admit turned my heart for the feline's in the world . i wasnt really a cat lover till i met him . this is oscar and he was my boyfriends cat . he was  a stand alone fighter and a friendly lover when he wanted a warm lap and a stroke . but it was always on his terms . but what a lover he was when he was loving .
We open our heart to animals each and every day and the marks they leave on us and our lives will never leave us no matter what .  yes all four of these animals left huge holes in my life and opened the door to a few more furry friends for my and my boyfriend which i will share with you on a later date
hugs from the uk
vikki vixen xx

Tuesday 22 May 2012

This is me,

        who am i ??
i ask myself this question everyday and the only answer i have for you is "I'M ME" and its a pleasure to meet you . I'm a blog hopper a hopless crafter of all kinds. A loving pet owner. A devoted girlfriend and a lost soul .

i spend hours blog hoping and have had my own blog for three years. ive tried to make a blog work three times . ive made promises to keep blogging and broken this promise so many times ive given up blogging . But as i said this is me who ever i am and who ever i want to be so please stay with me and walk my journey with me . threw my wonky stitches and my dodgy cooking ( all edable i promise just im not fantastic). i want to share with you the ladies in my life that are strong and fight threw . and i want to share the love for my pets and my passion for my crafts and all the others i find and who knows i may one day be able to tell you who i really am .

i would just like to give pre warning my photo skills are not top notch. my crafts is all over the place. and my list of things i want to try grows every time i log onto my ipad but ye i am me and well lets see where we go.
hugs from the uk
vikki vixen xxx